Nissan OEM Water Pump - RB25 RB26
Nissan 21010-21U26 OEM Water Pump - RB25 RB26 A must replacement for your RB engine when looking to maintain your engine. Should be replaced when possible or during an engine rebuild when the water pump is worn or leaking.
It's that time where you're working on your Nissan RB26 or RB25 engine and you realized that your water pump hasn't been replaced in forever. You also know that the cooling system needs to be in its top shape to keep up with the demand of your engine's performance and your right foot.
Luckily you've remembered to get this factory Nissan OEM replacement part from Raw Brokerage. Giving you the piece of mind that the pump is exactly as it should be bolting right on your block with that factory fitment. Additionally, you have the performance and reliability of a factory part without the 20 year old gunk rusted to your water pump propeller.
While you are at it, you remember to replace those nasty old, hopefully before they snapped hardware with the Nubis Performance water pump bolt kit. Now you're rocking and rolling without worry if you're water pump is going to meet you when you run your car.